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Showcasing some Fiori-Apps on S/4HANA 1511 - Part 1


I’m currently evaluating our S/4 HANA 1511 system and of course part of it are the Fiori-Apps.


I wrote about how I tackle implementing them at http://scn.sap.com/community/s4hana/blog/2016/02/25/activating-fiori-apps-in-s4-hana--not-so-hard-after-all .



Today I want to have a look at the apps I got running already.


I put them together in a group  in order to have them all in one place.

(In a real-world scenario you would group them by the different roles of the users utilizing them, but for my test having all in one place is just the right thing. )


Here’s the overview:

2016-04-05 10_46_00-Apps_Overview.jpg

Please note that “Post Goods Receipt for Purchase Order” is crossed out in the Screenshot to indicate the following: it used to work (that’s why I put it in my group), but currently it doesn’t anymore :-(  - I don’t know why.

[Edit: see the comments below how to get it working again: assign no other Roles than SAP_BR_WAREHOUSE_CLERK to the user - very strange, but worked for me!]


So, for the other apps, let’s go through them one by one:



1 Manage Purchase Orders

2016-04-05 12_05_42-Manage Purchase Orders.jpg



  • Gives an overview of open purchase orders in the system
  • You can select / filter them by certain criteria
  • The button at the right end of the line (or just klicking the line itself) takes you to “Edit Purchase Order”
  • The Copy-Button on the lower right end of the screen takes you to “Create Purchase Order” with the Header- and Item-Information taking from the selected PO.
  • The Create-Button simply takes you to the Create Purchase Order-App.


What I’m missing:

You can see some orders are in status “in Approval”, so I would expect the ability to approve them here (given the authorization to do so, of course), but so far I didn’t find a way to do it.


2      Create Purchase Order


2016-04-05 12_15_51Create_Purchase_Order_1.jpg

At first, you get a list of Info Records, grouped by supplier. Of course you can search/filter to reduce the list.


You can select one or more info records (only of the same supplier) and then click the create button to the lower right. Note that you also can click create without selecting anything.


2016-04-05 12_15_51Create_Purchase_Order_2.jpg


In the next screen, you enter header data and some items, the use the submit-button to create the PO (only if everything is fine, of course). You can check first with “Simulate” or the “Message” button. (To me, both appear to do the same thing – but the “Message” button is only activated if “Simmulate” was pressed before. )


3     My Purchasing Document Items

2016-04-05 12_53_12-My Purchasing Document Items_1.jpg

Gives you an overview of the Purchasing Document Items by supplier. You can click on the numbers to set the filter / choose the right tab accordingly.

2016-04-05 12_53_12-My Purchasing Document Items_PO_Tab.jpg

Nice: the Purchase Orders-Tab also lets you jump to “Create Purchase Order” (if nothing is selected) or “Post Goods Receipt for Purchase Order” if a PO is selected. Also interesting: while that App itself doesn’t work for me currently, that way does!.


4      Manage Sources of Supply

2016-04-05 12_58_49-Manage Sources of Supply.jpg

Lists info records.

You can:

  • Edit them, by clicking on a line.
  • Delete them by selecting them (checkbox to the right) and clicking the delete-button (lower right)
  • Create new ones with the create-button (lower right).



5  Conclusion and Outlook


I can imagine that all those Fiori-Apps will be (or allready are) quite usable as they grow more and more powerfull. Especially if they are connected with each other (example as mentioned above: display a list of POs --> post goods receipt for a PO on the list).


What are your expriences with Fiori apps in S/4HANA? Do you evaluate them, too, or even use them in production, yet?

Or do you maybe feel that sticking to good old SapGui is the right thing to do?



As indicated by the "Part 1" in the title (and the overview-screenshots showing more apps than I have mentioned) I plan to write another blog aboute some more apps, soon.



As allways, your feedback is most wellcome!

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