Maybe you have read the Simplification List about lots of tables(like MSEK, MKPF, VBUK, VAPMA …) being eliminated in S/4 HANA 1511 on premise edition. When looking at an actual system, have you been wondering (I sure have, see my previous blog ), why they still seem to be there?
-> You see them in SE11 as transparent tables and you can select data from them with SE16n.
Here’s how you can see what’s behind it:
In SE11, goto Menu -> Extras -> Proxy Object:
Here you can see what’s behind it: A CDS-view!
Like SE11 tells you, you can look at the CDS views with ADT (aka ABAP in Eclipse). Or just use report RUTDDLSSHOW2:
I hope you enjoyed this update, keep exploring! (I sure will!)